Contact Us

Contact Us


The customer is the center of thought and action of all employees of Steinen. This customer focus is reflected in the following principles:

  1. Europe-wide, on-time delivery of products of the highest quality and precision through the distribution center in Wöhrden
  2. Friendly and competent customer service
  3. Reliable pricing policy – top quality at the best price
  4. Excellent product and market knowledge and decades of experience
  5. Flexibility and adaptability to new technological requirements, customer requirements, and seasonal conditions
  6. Continuous training of employees

100 Years Steinen

CEO: William F. Steinen, Jr.
Sales Manager: Wolfgang Winstermann

    Vorname (erforderlich)

    Nachname (erforderlich)

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    Name der Firma


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    Contact Information

    Chausseestr. 12-16 D-25797 Wöhrden

    Telefon:  +49 4839-21199-60

    Telefax:  +49 4839 21199-89